St. Mary Orthodox Church
105 S. 19th Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The faithful of St. Mary Orthodox Church welcome you to our website.  St. Mary Orthodox Church is a community composed of Orthodox Christians from diverse ethnic backgrounds that maintain and follow the Faith established by Christ and His Apostles and transmitted through their followers to us through the generations.  Our services are in English with some Slavonic and Greek used occassionally.  We hope that you will extend your visit to our parish by joining us in worship and in fellowship.  All are always welcome.

St. Mary Orthodox Church has central air-conditioning and a closed circuit television system in the Church Hall for your convenience.  The Church is also equipped with a stair glide systen to assist handicapped and older individuals access to the Temple.


St. Cyril of White Lake Food Pantry

The St. Cyril of White Lake Food Pantry is open on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month from 5:30 to 6:30pm to help those in need of food assistance.  If you are in need, please come we are here to help.



Get Stuffed With Love

Our parish is blessed to be the home of the Annual "Get Stuffed With Love" Thanksgiving Dinner Program.  This special ministry sees the unique cooperation of the faithful of our parish, our neighbors, community organizations, local businesses and the Pittsburgh Police Department united together in a common effort to insure the poor of Pittsburgh are fed on Thanksgving Day.  The Pittsburgh Police distributed last year 4100+ meals to people in need in 2023.  The meals were prepared in our hall by vounteers and then distributed by the Pittsburgh Police.  

Monthly Calendar
St. Mary Orthodox Church
105 S. 19th Street; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15203
Detailed Map

Upcoming Schedule
Saturday, February 15
5:00 Great Vespers
Sunday, February 16
10:00 Divine Liturgy